Monday, August 29, 2011

WOW...!!! Beyond Lokpal

From 5,000 Years the Great Indian Subcontinent has faced changing but continuous slavery, may they be the Aryans, European Invaders, Mughals, Britishers or the free India's "Kaale Angrej",the Polticians.
This long set back era of slavery has frozen our minds.
Our ideology to change, to disapprove the wrong. All we learnt is to survive in any circumstances.
To accept every wrong & with time we become The Happy Go Lucky Indians...
Our ideologies were frozen like a Glacier, which has the immense power of hydro but frozen & stucked.
Power to make way out of hard rocks,rejuvinate the dry lands, calm the thristy & even drown the land.
Now Anna has tried melting that Glacier with his fire of hunger.
We saw how Parliament drown when this Glacier melted & millions of common man flowed on roads & how Lopkpal paved the way out after 48 years cutting down the hard & stubborn politicians.
I hope & pray now the Ganga of change flows from Gangotri to Ganga Sagar gushingly & clean.
Anna has not brought a change. No one can change anyone, neither the Divine.
Lord Krishna don't hold Arjuna's hand to shoot at his loved ones, he just showed him the right way of Dharma through Geeta.
Same ways Anna can't hold every Indian from corruption. He just showed us a way to a better India.
India where you don't pay for your rights & You don't take for your duties.
No country can be corruption free.
Society is a Junlge of Men.
It will always have the Wild Grass, but its upto us how we garden the Jungle.
How many flowers we can grow & how much Lemon Grass we can chop.
Lokpal can be a watchdog. It can't be the Ultimate Capping, nor the Final Solution. You can't grow Mangoes on a Bamboo.You can't expect a corruption free system with a corrupt common man. Corruption starts from giving Bribe not taking.
So, Please don't pollute this Ganga of change.
Better if deprived of
Wearing black band means nothing till you are not ready to remove the black strip from your eyes.
Awaken & see
In last 12 days we haven't missed a movie, nor skipped a single meal, nor stopped messaging, facebooking, gossiping nothing.
We just showed a faith in a 75 years old man.
What we can do if every Indian shows faith in every other Indian...
It will be like...
Factorial of 1250000000
Definatley even no Super Computer can calculate it.
You can just feel it as...


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

9 days at Lohia Head Power House, Khatima (Uttarakhand) & a trip to Poornagiri Temple in Pitthoragarh & Braham Dev Temple Nepal

Hello Reader!
It seems to be a long title but trust me my stay at Lohia Head Power House & my one day trip to both the temples has much more than the title.
Its also my first blog on the journey back to home via

Monday, March 8, 2010


No intro, No hints
Can you just make an intelligent guess & tell whats this in the image side by???
Its simply a coffee, but just a nik different from what you have day to day
No it didn't came from france but I simply made it myself at home.
The top layer is the milk foam, the mid main part is the milk coffee & the bottom layer is black coffee.
Yes its what I call a ''Trident. . . Coffee''
Its simple to make except one tricky part.
First of all take a shake glass, remember not to take a coffee mug or steel glass or you will loose the beauty of the Trident.
Put sugar as to your taste in to the bottom of glass. (I don't know why people add sugar to coffee, its like trying to white paint a black diamond). Anyways, make a quarter glass of black coffee & pour it in glass.
Now here comes that tricky part.
Boil a cup of milk to max.
Juggle it in two jugs so that a good quantum of foam is formed.
Now strin the milk slowly into one of the jug slowly & slowly so that foam is collected in another jug.
Add this foam on to your black coffee.
You can repeat this step twice or thrice till your glass is 3/4th filled with foam.
Pour the remaining milk slowly into the glass & you can see the whiteness of milk slowly adding to your black coffee & making a brownish gradient of splendous blend to Enjoy!
Foam being the lightest will form the top base.
In middle will be your day to day white coffee & at last a sip or two of black coffee.
So, next time when you are confused or quarelling with some one to have white coffee or black, just try this
As you take sips moving light to dark you feel the pinch getting harder like a trident piercing deeper & adrelin getting higher.
I am not going to serve you :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a great revolution in the history of women. The evidence is everywhere; the voice of women is increasingly heard in Parliament, courts and in the streets. While women in the West had to fight for over a century to get some of their basic rights, like the right to vote, the Constitution of India gave women equal rights with men from the beginning. Unfortunately, women in this country are mostly unaware of their rights because of illiteracy and the oppressive tradition. Names like Kalpana Chawla: The Indian born, who fought her way up into NASA and was the first women in space, and Indira Gandhi: The Iron Woman of India was the Prime Minister of the Nation, Beauty Queens like Aishwarya Rai and Susmita Sen, and Mother Teresa are not representative of the condition of Indian women.

The Constitution of India guarantees equality of sexes and in fact grants special favours to women. These can be found in three articles of the Constitution.

Article 14 says that the government shall not deny to any person equality before law or the equal protection of the laws. Article 15 declares that government shall not discriminate against any citizen on the ground of sex. Article 15 (3) makes a special provision enabling the State to make affirmative discriminations in favour of women. Moreover, the government can pass special laws in favour of women. Article 16 guarantees that no citizen shall be discriminated against in matters of public employment on the grounds of sex. Article 42 directs the State to make provision for ensuring just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief. Above all, the Constitution imposes a fundamental duty on every citizen through Articles 15 (A) (e) to denounce the practices derogatory to the dignity of women.

All these are fundamental rights. Therefore, a woman can go to the court if one is subjected to any discrimination. When we talk about constitutional rights of women in India, we mainly pertain to those areas where discrimination is done against women and special laws formulated to fight those bigotries. The most important issues stand as those pertaining to marriage, children, abortion, crimes against women, and inheritance.

Before modern Hindu laws were passed, child marriages were the norms, inter-caste marriages were banned, the girl became a part of the husband's family, and polygamy was common. In the 19th century, the British rulers passed several laws to protect customs and traditions while abolishing detestable practices like Sati. Some such revolutionary laws were Hindu Widows Remarriage Act 1865 and the Brahmo Samaj Marriage Act 1872, the forerunner of the present Special Marriage Act. In the beginning, the Act sets four essential conditions for a valid Hindu marriage, namely Monogamy, Sound mind, Marriageable age, The parties should not be too closely related.

Polygamy was permitted among Hindus before the Act was passed in 1955. However, after the act was passed, any man marrying again while his wife is living will be punished with fine and imprisonment up to seven years. Formerly, child marriages were common. The Child Marriage Act of 1929 was not very effective as such marriages were continued to be performed. Now, however, the bridegroom must be 21 years old and the bride 18 years. However, there is a separate Muslim Code of Conduct, which allows polygamy of up to four wives as per Islamic laws. A marriage may be invalid without the boy or the girl realizing it at the time of the wedding. A civil marriage would be void if four essential conditions are not complied with. These conditions are listed in the Special Marriage Act (Section 4), as enumerated below:

If it is bigamy

If either party was suffering from mental disorder

If the boy has not completed 21 years and the girl 18 years

The boy and the girl are too closely related, or in legal language, are "within degrees of prohibited relationship" unless custom governing at least one party permits the marriage between them. Prohibited relationships are listed in he Special Marriage Act.

A fifth reason for invalidating a marriage is impotence of either party.

There are some grounds available to the wife only, both in Hindu and civil marriages. One such ground available exclusively to the wife is her husband's commission of rape, sodomy or bestiality. Under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act 1956, a Hindu wife is entitled to be maintained by her husband. Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code also deals with maintenance of wife and children. If there is a decree of maintenance against the husband and the couple have been living apart for over one year, it would be a ground for the wife to seek dissolution of marriage. Here again the Muslim Personal Law has a different set of conditions for the annulment of an Islamic marriage.

The Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 says that any person who gives, takes, or abets the giving or taking of dowry shall be punished with imprisonment, which may extend to six months or with fine up to Rs. 5,000 or with both. Dowry that started off as a practice to give away presents to the departing daughter, usually some resources to begin her new married life, slowly assumed extraordinary proportions and turned into a social evil. Brides were expected to bring the "gifts" regardless of their personal willingness. The bride's family could no longer have an individual say; lists were prepared and sent to the girl's house before the final agreement between the two families. The condition being that the boy would marry the girl only if the demands were met. Such a custom is being practiced not only in India but also in other countries like Bangladesh and Nepal. The reason behind this custom is the poor economical condition of the people along with a lack of education; unawareness of legal rights among women and a general bias against the women.

Crimes like rape, kidnapping, eve teasing and indecent exposure can be grouped as crimes against women. Rape is the worst crime against women after murder and the maximum punishment under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) is life imprisonment. An abortion or miscarriage due to natural causes is not an offence.

Therefore, the law does not deal with it. However, violent and forceful abortion is a crime. Sections 312 and 316 of the Indian Penal Code deal with abortion as crime. Section 313 deals with abortion without the consent of the woman. The punishment could even be life imprisonment.

The Hindu Succession Act gives male and female heirs almost equal right to inheritance. Section 14 says that any property possessed by a female Hindu shall be held by her as full owner and not as a limited owner.

Although most women in India work and contribute to the economy in one form or another, much of their work is not documented or accounted for in official statistics. Women plow fields and harvest crops while working on farms, women weave and make handicrafts while working in household industries, women sell food and gather wood while working in the informal sector. Additionally, women are traditionally responsible for the daily household chores (e.g., cooking, fetching water, and looking after children). Since Indian culture hinders women's access to jobs in stores, factories and the public sector, the informal sector is particularly important for women. There are estimates that over 90 percent of workingwomen are involved in the informal sector.

The informal sector includes jobs such as domestic servant, small trader, artisan, or field laborer on a family farm. Most of these jobs are unskilled and low paying and do not provide benefits to the worker. More importantly, however, cultural practices vary from region to region. Though it is a broad generalization, North India tends to be more patriarchal and feudal than South India. Women in northern India have more restrictions placed on their behavior, thereby restricting their access to work. Southern India tends to be more egalitarian, women have relatively more freedom, and women have a more prominent presence in society. Cultural restrictions however are changing, and women are freer to participate in the formal economy, though the shortage of jobs throughout the country contributes to low female employment. But in the recent years, conditions of working women in India have improved considerably. More and more women find themselves in positions of respect and prestige, more and more workplaces are now populated with women who work on equal terms as men. Working is no longer an adjustment, a mere necessity; but a means to self worth and growth.

Women have now not only found their place in work places but are also party to governance। In recent years there have been explicit moves to increase women's political participation. Women have been given representation in the Panchayati Raj system as a sign of political empowerment. There are many elected women representatives at the village council level. At the central and state levels too women are progressively making a difference. Today we have women Chief Ministers in five large states of India. The Women's reservation policy bill is slated to further strengthen political participation.


Friday, July 3, 2009


In recent months I had become used to drinking Pop Soda. The beat of the heat roused the consumption even. One of my chaps warned me that regular consumption of pop soda raises health issues. I enquired a few. Those seeking a decent ‘detox’ will generally do well to drink plenty of water, one effect of which is to assist the flushing out of bodily pollutants via the urine and sweat. Water purists usually recommend that topping up on still water, rather than sparkling, is the route through to tiptop well-being. However, my eye was caught by a recent study which suggests that fizzy water may sometimes offer superior health benefits to flat. The same is here, not to prompt anyone to get habitual to pop soda but just as a informative article.
The research in question, published in the Journal of Nutrition, was designed to assess the health effects of sparkling and still mineral water in a group of women. The study participants were asked to drink 1 litre of either the sparkling or still each day for two months, followed by two months on the other water. During the study, the study participants underwent a number of tests including blood pressure checks and measurement of a variety of blood components including cholesterol. Compared to the still mineral water, the drinking of sparkling water brought about significant reductions in the level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (generally regarded as a risk factor for heart disease), as well as a significant increase in levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (generally taken to reduce heart disease risk). These and other biochemical changes induced by drinking sparkling water were estimated to reduce the women’s risk of developing heart disease over the next decade by about a third.
Quite what it is about sparkling water that accounts for its seeming heart healthy properties is not known for sure, though the explanation is unlikely to lie in the bubbles themselves. More likely, the benefits of the water used in the study are related to its high mineral content compared to the still water it was tested against. One mineral that the fizzy stuff was particularly high in was sodium - generally regarded as undesirable food constituent on account of its ability to boost blood pressure. However, studies show that low sodium diets may increase cholesterol levels. This throws up the possibility that the sparkling water’s relatively high sodium content might actually have played some part in its apparent ability to quell levels of unhealthy cholesterol.
Interestingly, the Journal of Nutrition study found that the drinking of the sodium-rich mineral water did not lead to any increase in blood pressure. One reason for this is that sparkling waters tend to be rich in bicarbonate, which is believed to help balance any negative effects sodium may have in the body. Personally, my belief is that individual keen to limit sodium in their diets need concern themselves less about foods and drinks that contain this mineral naturally, than processed foodstuffs that have had it added (often in considerable quantity) by food manufacturers. Sparkling waters rich in sodium may not have the healthiest of reputations, but research has bubbled up which suggests that they may actually offer considerable benefits for the body.
No. Carbonated beverages (water, soda, pop) have phosphates, which can cause calcium loss and excretion. Consumption of these beverages may be a major factor for osteoporosis as they are high in phosphates but contain virtually no calcium. This leads to lower calcium levels and higher phosphate levels in the blood.
Carbonated water has no more phosphates than regular mineral water. Club soda on the other hand does contain other salts of which there may be some that are phosphates. I wouldn't want to say what's in the sweetened drinks though.
The idea that it causes calcium loss and osteoperosris is nothing more than heresay. There have been several medical studies to suggest there is no difference between regular and carbonated water. I've lots of references but these should keep you going.
At last I would like to suggest that you may find the taste of plain pop soda bit harsh but if you can develop the taste for it is much better then the regular soda drinks like coke etc. which contains heavy salts, high sugar contents in form of sweeteners and the controversial pesticides.
