Monday, August 29, 2011

WOW...!!! Beyond Lokpal

From 5,000 Years the Great Indian Subcontinent has faced changing but continuous slavery, may they be the Aryans, European Invaders, Mughals, Britishers or the free India's "Kaale Angrej",the Polticians.
This long set back era of slavery has frozen our minds.
Our ideology to change, to disapprove the wrong. All we learnt is to survive in any circumstances.
To accept every wrong & with time we become The Happy Go Lucky Indians...
Our ideologies were frozen like a Glacier, which has the immense power of hydro but frozen & stucked.
Power to make way out of hard rocks,rejuvinate the dry lands, calm the thristy & even drown the land.
Now Anna has tried melting that Glacier with his fire of hunger.
We saw how Parliament drown when this Glacier melted & millions of common man flowed on roads & how Lopkpal paved the way out after 48 years cutting down the hard & stubborn politicians.
I hope & pray now the Ganga of change flows from Gangotri to Ganga Sagar gushingly & clean.
Anna has not brought a change. No one can change anyone, neither the Divine.
Lord Krishna don't hold Arjuna's hand to shoot at his loved ones, he just showed him the right way of Dharma through Geeta.
Same ways Anna can't hold every Indian from corruption. He just showed us a way to a better India.
India where you don't pay for your rights & You don't take for your duties.
No country can be corruption free.
Society is a Junlge of Men.
It will always have the Wild Grass, but its upto us how we garden the Jungle.
How many flowers we can grow & how much Lemon Grass we can chop.
Lokpal can be a watchdog. It can't be the Ultimate Capping, nor the Final Solution. You can't grow Mangoes on a Bamboo.You can't expect a corruption free system with a corrupt common man. Corruption starts from giving Bribe not taking.
So, Please don't pollute this Ganga of change.
Better if deprived of
Wearing black band means nothing till you are not ready to remove the black strip from your eyes.
Awaken & see
In last 12 days we haven't missed a movie, nor skipped a single meal, nor stopped messaging, facebooking, gossiping nothing.
We just showed a faith in a 75 years old man.
What we can do if every Indian shows faith in every other Indian...
It will be like...
Factorial of 1250000000
Definatley even no Super Computer can calculate it.
You can just feel it as...
